1、 ?S黄中习 (广州金融高等专科学校外语系, 广东广州 510521)K 1: 语言需要规范,但语言规范不能脱离语言应用和语言发展的实际。一般意义上的语言规范是针对全社会共同使用的全民通用语言文字的规范而言。某些在一定范围内通行的行业专门用语,影响通用语言的规范,不必加以考虑。作为新的语言现象 ,网络用语在一定程度上具有行业用语或黑社会用语的性质,却又不完全同于后者。随着网络的普及 ,网络用语随时可能进入千家万户,因此我们必须加以客观分析,区别不同情况,以科学的态度对待网络用语。1oM: 语言规范; 网络用语; 行业用语; 黑社会用语。 ms |: H136. 4Abstract: Thoug
2、h every language needs to be standardized, language standardization cannot go withouttaking into account the practice of language application and language development. Language standardizationrefers, in its general sense, to the standardization of the common language used by the whole society. It is
3、quite unnecessary to consider the influence of the jargon limited in a certain range on the standardization of thecommon language. As a new language phenomenon, cyberspeak has some properties of the jargon or theargot. However, it is not completely equal with either of them. With the popularization
4、of the internet,cyberspeak is likely to find its way to the common language. Therefore, it is advisable for us to make anobjective analysis of the cyberspeak and keep a scientific attitude in different cases.Key words: language standardization; cyberspeak; jargon; argot. CLC: H136. 4DS M : A. cI|: 1
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