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中西翻译史Chapter 1.ppt

1、Chapter 1,Embarkation and Buddhist Translation,1.1 Embarkation Translation of Xia and Shang Dynasties Translation of Zhou Dynasty (9th C. BC) Translation of Han Dynasty (195BC-7AD)名从主人,物从中国(Confucius) 名从主人(Zhou Zuoren),Early Translation in China 1) The earliest translation activities in China date b

2、ack to the Zhou dynasty (周朝). Documents of the time indicated that translation was carried out by government clerks, who were concerned primarily with the transmission of ideologies. “五方之民,言语不通,嗜欲不同。达其志,通其欲,东方日寄,南方日象,西方日狄鞮,北方日译。” 礼记王制,It was during the Han dynasty (汉朝) that translation became a medi

3、um for the dissemination of foreign learning. The Buddhist scriptures which were written in Sanskrit needed to be translated into Chinese to meet the need of Chinese Buddhists.,1.2 Buddist Translation from Eastern Han Dynasty to Song Dynasty 一般认为,“五四”以前,中国翻译史上出现过三次翻译高潮: 第一次高潮始于东汉至唐宋时期,佛经翻译盛行(2nd C.

4、AD-11th C. AD)。 第二次高潮直至明末清初,欧洲的一批耶酥会士相继来华进行翻译活动,主要以传教为宗旨,同时也介绍了西方学术。 第三次高潮当属鸦片战争至“五四运动”期间的西方思想和文学翻译。这一时期最引人瞩目的就是严复和林纾。,History of Buddhist translation: 1. Dong Han dynasty -Western Era representatives: An shi-gao 安世高 Lokaksema 支谶(chen) Zhi qian 支谦 2. Western Jin Era - Sui dynasty representatives: Ku

5、mrajva 鸠罗摩什 Dao an 道安 Hui yuan 慧远 3. Tang Dynasty (early -middle) representatives: Xuan zang 玄奘 Bukong 不空,Translation of Buddhist scripture,1. The beginning of the translation of Buddhist scripture 2. The development of translation of Buddhist scripture 3. The prime stage of the translation of Buddh

6、ist scripture 4. The Decline of the translation of Buddhist scripture,1. The beginning of the translation of Buddhist scripture China has a two-thousand-year brilliant history of translation. First Buddhist translation (Wei-Jin period) The real beginning of the translation of Buddhist scripture can

7、only date back to 148 AD. (during the period Hengdi of the eastern Han dynasty) The Buddhist Sutra/The Sutra of 42 Sections/Ming Du Wu Shi Jiao Ji Jing Buddhist scripture (Sutra). Yi Cun and An Shigao (伊存与安世高),The translator is An Shigao. (translate over 30 volumes of Buddhist scripture). See bottom

8、 of P3.,1.2.1 Eastern Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms Period,(1) Translators from the country Yuezhi(西汉时中亚有一个月支国) Zhi Loujiachen(支娄迦谶) : translator of over ten volumes of Buddhist scriptures Zhiliang(支亮 ): Zhi Loujiachens student Zhiqian (支谦 ): Zhi Liangs student (See P5) Zhufahu(竺法护): translate

9、175 volumes of Buddhist scriptures,文质之争在佛经词汇翻译的体现,重 “质” 重 “文”舍利弗 秋露子般bo若 明涅槃 无为浮屠 佛(佛陀)轮回 生死,文质之争在电影片名翻译中的体现,片名 重 “文” 重 “质”黄飞鸿 Once Upon a Time in China Huang Feihong纵横四海 Once a Thief Cross Four Oceans Blood and Sand 碧血黄沙 血与沙One Flew over theCuckoos Nest 飞越疯人院 飞越杜窝,1.2.2 Jin Dynasty and the Northern

10、 and Southern Dynasties (c. 265-589),During the two Jin dynasties, Southern dynasty and Northern dynasty (两晋南北朝) , translation of Buddhist scripture was officially organized on a large scale in China. A State Translation School was founded for this purpose. Translators from India Famous translators:

11、Dao An(道安), Kumarajiva(鸠摩罗什), Zhen Di(真谛), Seng You(僧佑),Translation Practice: Translation of Buddhist scripture was officially organized on a large scale in China. A State Translation School was founded for this purpose.,Shidaoan (314-385) set up a translating workshop, ushering in the period of tra

12、nslation on a large scale and he invites some translators from India. From then on translation has become an organized activity. He advocated strict literal translation.,梁启超在翻译文学与佛典中,对道安的“五失本三不易”做了简要的评论:See P8. 安公论译梵为秦,有“五失本,三不易”。五失本者:(一)谓句法倒装。(二)谓好用文言。(三)谓删去反复咏叹之语。(四)谓去一段落中解释之语。(五)谓删去后段覆牒前段之语。三不易者:

13、(一)谓既须求真,又须喻俗。(二)谓佛智悬隔,契合实难。(三)谓去古久远,无从询证。后世谈译学者,咸征引焉。要之翻译文学程式,成为学界一问题,自安公始也。,Translation be carried out literally without any amplification or omission.Raised theory of “5 losses and 3 difficulties” See P8-9. Advocated “translating according to the original features” See P9.,所谓“三不易”,就是说,圣人是按当时的习俗来说

14、话的,古今时俗不同,要使古俗适应今时,很不容易. 以上古典雅之思想,换用今日通俗之语言来翻译能否表达佛经深奥的义理,值得怀疑,即所谓求真与喻俗的矛盾难以处理。这是言意之辩的问题. 雅VS俗,这是所谓言与意的基本矛盾,也是翻译的基本矛盾。,愚智天隔,圣人叵阶,乃欲以千岁之上微言,传使合百王之下末俗,二不易也; 把古圣先贤的微言大义传达给后世的浅识者,很不容易,此其二;就原作者和今日读者的关系而言,今日读者群众之智力未必可以达到昔日佛陀的思考水平,即读者之理解力不足,而又要前者来俯就后者,乃接受性上一大矛盾。智VS愚,这是创作主体与接受主体之间的智力(知识)差距问题。,阿难出经,去佛未久,尊者大迦

15、叶令五百六通,迭察迭书;今离千年,而以近意量裁,彼阿罗汉乃兢兢若此,此生死人而平平若此,岂将不知法者勇乎?斯三不易也。释加牟尼死后,弟子阿难造经时尚且非常慎重,现却要出平凡的人来传译,也不容易,此其三。今日之译者,难比当年直接聆听过释迦牟尼教诲高僧,高僧尚且难以尽数原作的思想内容,何况今日的译者又无从去直接询问作者,岂能不难?此为作者与译者不能直接磋商而造成的差距问题。古VS今,这就涉及到知识的直接传达与间接传达问题。(陈福康),Jiu Moluoshi (Kumarajiva)(鸠摩罗什)See P9-11, invited by Shi Daoan, advocate the free t

16、ranslation, get rid of shortcomings of transliteration. He is one of the four great translators of ancient China. (Zhengdi真谛 Xuanzang玄奘, Bukong不空) , one of the three great translators of Buddhist scriptures. He translates more than 300 volumes.,Kumarajiva (鸠摩罗什)emphasized the accuracy of translation

17、. Therefore, he applied a free translation approach to transfer the true essence of the Sanskrit Sutras. He was the first person in the history of translation in China to suggest that translators should sign their names to the translated works.,鸠摩罗什 塔,Zhendi(真谛): translate 49 volumes of important Bu

18、ddhist scriptures 真谛译经的态度极其严肃认真,特别注重准确表达经典的原义。他采取随出随书的方法,一章一句都要认真推敲,反复核实,把意义吃透了,才动笔成文。为了保持文义的准确无误,有时不得不牺牲文辞的通畅优美,所以他的译文,具有文质相半的特点,有的地方甚至难免有晦涩难解的缺点。,3.The prime stage of the translation of Buddhist scripture,Sui dynasty (隋朝) and Tang dynasty (唐朝): This period was the first peak of translation in Chin

19、a. The most famous translator of the Buddhist translation is Xuan Zang in Tang Dynasty.,27,玄奘(约 ),28,http:/ 行程5万里, 历国一百一十个。,屈支,碎葉城,凌山,摩揭陀,鐵門,路線,红尘之中的唐僧 in his secular life,玄奘回到长安后,先后在弘福寺、大慈恩寺、玉华宫翻经,go to India to get the Buddhist scripture set up a large workshop of translation translate 1335 volume

20、s of Buddhist scriptures the first to translate from Chinese to foreign language (Sanskrit) his contribution to the translation theory (set up the translation standard faithfulness and understand ability) He set the principle governing “five cases in which no translation is done”. See P14-17.,Xuan Z

21、ang tried many translation methods and developed his epoch-marking criteria that translation “must be truthful and intelligible to the populace” (既须求真,又须喻俗). In a sense, Xuan Zang, with such a formula, was trying to have the best of two worldsliteral translation and free translation.,佛所行赞描绘太子出游,街头巷尾

22、观赏太子的风姿 See P20: 郭邑及田里 闻太子当出 尊卑不待辞 寤寐不相告 六畜不遑收 钱财不及敛 门户不容闭 奔驰走路傍 楼阁堤塘树 窗牖衢巷间 侧身竞容目 瞪瞩观无厌 高观谓投地 步者谓乘虚 意专不自觉 形神若双飞,陌上桑,日出东南隅,照我秦氏楼。秦氏有好女,自名为罗敷。 罗敷善蚕桑,采桑城南隅;青丝为笼系,桂枝为笼钩。头上倭堕髻(w du j),耳中明月珠;缃绮(q)为下裙,紫绮为上襦。 行者见罗敷,下担捋(l)髭须;少年见罗敷,脱帽著帩(zhu qio)头。 耕者忘其犁,锄者忘其锄;来归相怨怒,但坐观罗敷。 使君从南来,五马立踟蹰。使君遣吏往,问是谁家姝。 “秦氏有好女,自名为罗

23、敷。”“罗敷年几何?”“二十尚不足,十五颇有余。”使君谢罗敷:“宁可共载不(fu)?” 罗敷前置辞:“使君一何愚!使君自有妇,罗敷自有夫。 东方千余骑,夫婿居上头。何用识夫婿? 白马从骊驹(l j);青丝系(j)马尾,黄金络马头;腰中鹿卢剑,可值千万余。 十五府小吏,二十朝大夫,三十侍中郎,四十专城居。 为人洁白皙,鬑鬑(lin)颇有须;盈盈公府步,冉冉府中趋。 坐中数千人,皆言夫婿殊。”,4. The Decline of the translation of Buddhist scripture From the Song Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty,What

24、are the influences of Buddhist scripture translation on Chinese culture? (In English) How did the translation of Buddhist scripture decline? (In English) Find some material about Zhi Qian, Dao An, Kumarajiva, Xuan Zang, Zhen Di and Bu Kong, write a summary for each. (In English),Discussion,佛经翻译的衰落 公

25、元907年唐朝灭亡,中国封建社会进入五代十国时期,随后宋元,佛经翻译逐渐走向衰退,像唐朝时期的大型译场已早已不见。 宋代虽设译经院,但对佛教的贡献无法与唐代相比。佛教在印度的衰落导致我国的佛经翻译活动从11世纪开始迅速衰落,译场时代也随之结束。中国历史上第一次翻译高潮结束了。,佛经翻译对中国语言文化的影响,佛经翻译大大丰富了汉语的词汇和语言 汉语中90%的四字成语源于佛教。 因缘,涅槃,刹那,瑜伽,瞬间,弹指,魔鬼,魔头,魔掌,心地,心田,心猿意马,心心相印,天花乱坠,随机应变,作茧自缚,一生一世,一尘不染,人间地狱,清规戒律,三生有幸等等。 促进了汉语构词方式。自从佛经翻译盛行的魏晋之后,开

26、始出现更多的双音节词和多音节词,四字格成语更是明显增加。 佛经翻译丰富了汉语的音韵、语法和文体,为现代汉语的兴起提供了土壤。 平、上、去、入四声是西域输入的。佛经译者根据梵文字母创造了汉语的拼音方式。 句法方面,佛经翻译使用大量的倒装句、提问句和解释句。“如是我闻”。,佛经翻译中常使用一种散文和韵文交错的口语化文体,译者选用句子字数整齐来代替句末押韵,节奏感强,朗朗上口,随着佛经的普及而流行,为后来的平话、小说、戏曲等中国通俗文学奠定了重要的文体基础。 佛经翻译为中国文学提供了丰富的土壤。 魏晋南北朝时期佛经翻译兴盛以来,中国出现了一种新的文学题材“志怪小说”,这些志怪小说记录的内容涉及神灵鬼

27、怪、天堂地狱、因果报应等,都与佛教文化息息相关。 佛经翻译以无法预想的各种方式丰富着中国的文学题材。如佛经中的芬陀利花。莲花座,莲台,莲剎,莲花手,莲花戒,舌上生莲。莲花成了佛教的代表意象,被赋予新的象征意义,“心如大海无边际,广植净莲养身心”,“珠桂浮明月,莲座吐芙蓉”,“明窗高挂菩提月,净莲深栽浊世中”。周敦颐的爱莲说“出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖,中通外直,不蔓不枝”等,佛经中有相似的描述。,佛经翻译对中国语言文化的影响,佛经中还有很多寓言,为中国文学提供了又一个题材源泉。 中国明代的白话小说西游记更是文学题材受佛经翻译影响的典型代表。不仅小说的主线围绕着佛教的传播,主要人物和故事也基本取材于佛经。 红楼梦人生一场大梦,“万法皆空,世事无常”。空空道人 甄士隐 贾宝玉 “有形世间的一切都是短暂虚幻的”。 随着佛教的普及,中国的很多文学即使不直接取材于佛经,也都或多或少带有因果报应、生死轮回,人生是苦,万法皆空等佛教观念。禅意,佛经翻译对中国语言文化的影响,很多诗人和文学家在思想上受佛经影响,王维 诗佛,唐代诗僧 禅诗 佛教典籍的翻译不仅引发了中国翻译史上历时长久的第一次翻译高潮,而且极大地丰富和发展了中国的语言和文化,为中华民族文学、文化的构建与创新做出了不可或缺的贡献,由此可以看出翻译在接纳、吸收外来文化过程中所发挥的不可替代的作用。,

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