1、 32 2 2011 M4 = Chinese Internal Combustion Engine Engineering Vol. 32 No. 2April. 2011 l : 2009-08-11Te:u(1975- ), 3,p V 3,1Z_ = TV# , E-mail:zhao_f_zsina. combcI|: 1000- 0925( 2011) 02- 0023- 05 320022 9“d# ku, W( 2 v, 2210094)Design and Experiment Study of Hybrid Turbocharging Systemfor Diesel En
2、gineZHAOFu-zhou, CHANGS-i qin( School of M echanical Engineering, Nanjing Univer sity of Science and T echnology, Nanjing 210094, China)Abstract: H ybrid turbocharging system for diesel engine consists of a conventional turbocharger and ahigh-speed motor integrated into the turbocharger shaft. T he
3、key techniques for design of the hybrid turbo-char ging system and r esults of the prototype test on turbocharger test bench w ere described. The com pressorequal flow-rate experim ent show s that the hybrid turbocharging system can m eet the design requirem ents asthe driving m otor and braking gen
4、erator, w orking m ode and pow er of the high-speed motor can be adjustedaccording to the actual load. The high- speed motor in driving mode can provide greater pow er in smallerflow-rate of the com pressor, w hile the m otor in generator m ode can gener ate mor e electrical pow er in greaterflow-ra
5、te. The test results also show that the pow er adjustm ent of high-speed m otor can br oaden the w or kingzone of expansion ratio of the turbine of hybrid turbocharging system. The test data also exhibit that the pro-totype has higher mechanical efficiency than conventional turbocharger ow ing to us
6、ing rolling bear ings, themaxim um mechanical efficiency reaches 96 % . The acceler ation test reveals that the hybrid turbochargingsystem acceleration time shortens by over 40% than conventional turbocharger, the greater the electric m otorpow er, the more r em ar kable the turbo lag improvem ent.K
7、1: 混合涡轮增压系统是在常规废气涡轮增压器转轴上集成一个既能电动又能发电的高速电机,介绍了研制这一新型增压系统的关键技术和样机在增压器试验台上的试验研究b等压气机流量试验结果显示:混合涡轮增压系统从功能上达到了电动/发电的设计要求,可以根据负荷调整高速电机的工作模式和功率b混合涡轮增压系统在小流量时电动的潜力大,而在大流量时发电功率大b其次,通过调整混合涡轮增压系统的高速电机功率能够拓宽涡轮膨胀比变化范围b另外,由于采用滚动轴承等措施,样机的机械效率高于常规废气涡轮增压器,试验时最高机械效率达到96%b加速特性试验结果表明:混合涡轮增压系统的加速时间比普通废气涡轮增压器缩短40 %以上,并且
8、高速电机的电动功率越大,改善涡轮滞后的效果越显著b1oM: = ; 9; ;“; O kKey words: IC eng ine; vehicle diesel engine; hybrid turbocharging;high-speed motor; prototype development ; bench testms |: TK423. 5DS M : A0 9 B ? -/ , “- s Sa x +E)e 1-3 , .d 9 “B; ? ? b9Z= 2011 M2 ? ?$F H H 5, ?l ? H# H? ? b D 49?1o 9 Zs, 9“d“i kb1 9“d
9、 !91.1 0 !9 9“d0 = a =a0M YV B8b08 V ?l, s z,i O0 ,q V ?b = W eaT V L o Z Tb h 1 . , ohS b Tb h _Z_. bBZ Y, 6BZ Fv $ 9F,#4Y$ Z b 61 I n F TA “ Yb0“ = W , s0 FL sa za=a * bW# wy b1.2 !9a 9“d P1Oab O Ve9“d=,7 O r qb“( o,i ? b“ 0 206 g,09 1M = 9 0 9F1b1.3 !9“ TM r V Lb 1 /vV8 = d, G L V8 = dbT H T/ LB
10、,V7 Tb b , H 7 g Mp 7b1.4 !9 9“d = 9 B Es15b FL Y V160 e ,5L 8V n,p s 7 TbV150 e H *7v Tb V230 e H /7P byN1 !9 “d,# H9“d = b 9“d = ,Bs M/ M ; 6Bs .;N, s 3 bYV 8, :PC = k1k1 - 1R1 (tb - tb1) Gc ( 1)T, PC L= , kW; k11 1;R1 8 , kJ/ ( kg#K) ; tb ,K; tb1 , Kb L=? n q:P t = k2k2 - 1R2 (t0 - t1)G t ( 2)T,
11、Pt L=? n q, kW; k211; R2 8 , kJ/ ( kg#K ) ; t0 gl, K; t1 gl , K; Gtl , kg/ sb! ? qPM , ? r qGM ,5 9“dr q: ) ( P M 0) H:Gm =k1k1 - 1R1( tb - tb1)Gck2k2 - 1R2(t0 - t1 )Gt - P M / GM( 4) 9“d O k i 7 T T, P9“dB qb a # ,YV T( 3) T( 4)9 9“dr qbm7 / 9“dr qbVm7 V A,r qs92 % 96 %, kr qM l 9 b 9“dO,hl , P L=
12、n L=hr q4b k V:B /,)? T9“dr qYlb,B /,9“dr q BtM, y f /_s s/bm7 9“d /r q2.3 9“dF k 9“d ?#H F q p, P9“dF ? b9“d k , t b? EF Vb1 /t b? H, b ,BV F Vbm84 kZ/9“dF + kTbZ1 k 9“d“, T,9 q0bZ2Z#26#2011 M2 = 3 k9 9“d“, qsY0. 30. 6kWbZ4 k b D9 , = 9“dMb kV4Z i 79F f M,yN kT V1bVm8 V A, q0. 6 kW9“d,40 000 r/ m i
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