1、,Huaian food,Huaiyang food,Introduction:Huaiyang food is characterized by“ fresh and light, concentrated and Chun ,both sweet and salty ,fit for north-south ”淮扬菜以“ 清鲜平和,浓淳兼备,咸甜适度,南北皆宜”为特点 Huaian hold in huaiyang food festival in September every year began in 2002, Huaiyang food obtained fast develop
2、-ment and inheritance,Partial Huaiyang food introduction,Name:软兜长鱼(开国第一菜)Taste:蒜香味 Feature: 脊背乌光亮软嫩异常清鲜爽口蒜香浓郁,Name:红烧狮子头Taste: 酸甜 Feature: 肥瘦适宜肉香四溢Name:平桥豆腐Taste:鲜咸Feature:洁白细嫩 味美汤浓,Name:文楼汤包Material:蟹黄、老母鸡汤、鸡丁、猪五花肉、虾米等20种原料Feature:皮薄蟹黄馅味美入喉顿觉周身爽 Name: 茶馓Taste:香 脆 酥 甜2009年淮安茶馓制作 技艺入选省级非物质 文化遗产名录,The
3、 county food around the Huaian (淮安周围县城特产),涟水特产 Name:高沟捆蹄Main material:蹄膀肉 猪小肠衣Feature:色泽普红 香软可口 Name:鸡糕Main material:鸡脯肉 Feature: 口感柔韧 质地软嫩有弹性,盱眙国际龙虾节Introduction:The first session of the the Xuyi international lobster festival was held in 2001, later, it will be held in June of each year ,and has i
4、ts own theme, this years theme:festival as media, promote primarily, investment promotion for real, develop-ment as this . Now, the holiday enjoys reputation home and abroad, and has a strong influence , the Xuyi tourism and economy development atrribute to this famous festival.,Taste:麻 Hemp Spicy 辣香 Fragrant Keyword:十三香 Fresh( 约有三十种中草药) 鲜,洪泽湖特产Name:大闸蟹 (crab) Taste:营养 味美 Feature:壳青肚白Name:老侯野鸭Legend:历经千余年传承67代特禽产业的一朵奇葩,金湖县特产Name:煎藕夹Taste:香酥可口Name:淮安银鱼Taste:鲜而不腥滑而不腻Feature: 体小 晶莹,淮安掼蛋Introduction:由地方的扑克牌局 “跑的快”和“八十分 (升级)”发展演化而来 ,牌局采用四人结对 竞赛,输赢升级的方式进行 “饭前不掼蛋,等于没吃饭”,Thanks,